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Artist Profile

Gary Price
Totally Tubular!
Totally Tubular!


The upward mobility of a Gary Price sculpture has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with high aspirations - the human spirit in constant ascent. There are no dark sides here. Lines sweep upward, faces turn to the sky. In many of his pieces, flight seems not only possible but imminent.

Gary feels most comfortable sculpting the human figure, having studied under Alvin Gittins while earning his BFA degree from the University of Utah. During the past five years he has devoted many field trips and hours to the sculpting of birds and animals. "I find fascinating parallels between the human and animal forms," states Gary. "The flight of birds also offers incredible challenges in composition and design."

Price combines an impressionistic interpretation of figurative subjects with a dynamic design that works on an abstract level. Suggested details stimulate the emotions: a child's untied shoelace, loosely rendered; the thumb-smoothed swirl of a young girl's ponytail.

Gary believes in "always remaining a student" and finds travel and research an important part of his life. He has lived two years in Germany, six months in Israel, one month touring the jungles and ruins of Mexico and Guatemala. 1984 found the Prices in eleven different European countries for three months, including one month in Egypt. He muses, "We felt compelled to see some of the great masterpieces of the world and be inspired by them."

An accomplished sculptor, Price has won numerous awards and commissions, including a first place award in the Minneapolis Western Wildlife Show. His works are included in corporate and private collections including those of Burt Reynolds, Johnny Miller, Howard Ruff, the L.D.S. Museum of Church History and Art, the Springville Museum of Art, and the Salt Lake County permanent art collection.

"As I've grown and nurtured this desire or talent, my work has evolved to a point where I hope you feel its spirit and intent. I want my work to make a difference in your life - a positive, uplifting difference - so that as you look at it in your home or office, in a city park or municipal building, you feel life is awesome! I hope that your emotions and feelings are touched and maybe even stirred and aroused to the point where you feel like taking action." A talented friend of mine once wrote, "If I can lift you today, you will look back and grab the hands of a thousand more. Nothing could please me more than knowing that one of my works motivated or inspired someone else."

Located Downtown at 802 Lincoln Avenue
PO Box 770879, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

970-879-5515   or   970-819-2850